Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth is associated with all manners of digestive misery – including abdominal bloating and distension, discomfort/tightness soon after eating, excess belching, excess flatulence, nausea, and diarrhea. So what can we do to kick-start the healing process?
- Avoid FODMAP foods – Choosing a low-carbohydrate diet will keep symptoms under control by starving the bacteria in your small intestine. Bacteria typically feast off of carbohydrates and produce gas and other irritating byproducts. FODMAP stands for:
Fermentable – meaning they are broken down by bacteria in the large bowel
Oligosaccharides – “oligo” means “few” and “saccharide” means sugar. These molecules made up of individual sugars are joined together in a chain
Disaccharides – “di” means two. This is a double sugar molecule.
Monosaccharides – “mono” means single. This is a single-sugar molecule.
Polyols – these are sugar alcohols
- Take digestive enzymes
- Eat gut healing foods – It’s important to include gut healing foods in your diet. Foods that are supportive of system management, gut health and balance include: bone broth, pastured meats, low-starch vegetables such as bok choy, and low-starch fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
- Chew your food thoroughly – Most people chew their food a few times and proceed to swallow, sending partially chewed foods into the stomach, which requires more work from digestive juices to break the foods down.
- Eat smaller meals slowly – Eating smaller portions can help ensure that complete digestion takes place. Eating smaller meals gives digestive enzymes a greater chance to fully break down food before it enters the small intestine.