Coffee and Tea Tips for the low FODMAPer:
If you’d like to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, we suggest limiting within your own personal tolerance levels. For most patients, this is about 1-2 cups per day. The recommended best practice is to spread out with 1 cup per sitting, and begin gauging your tolerance from there.
- Low FODMAP tea options include: Black tea, white, green, peppermint tea, rooibos, buchu, honeybush, chai tea (made weak), dandelion tea (made weak.)
- High FODMAP tea to avoid while on the elimination diet: Fennel, chamomile, oolong.
- Low FODMAP coffee options: : Espresso & drip brewed coffee. If available, try using a French Press (different methods of preparation may impact the fibers in the brew – trial and error in preparation methods will help you find what works best for you!)
What to add to your tea or coffee?
- Select from cows milk alternatives to use in your cup of coffee such as almond, rice, coconut or hemp milk.
- Most (if not all) soy milk is high FODMAP, as it’s made with the whole soybean. The fiber in whole soybeans contain the FODMAPs. Finding soy milk made with only soy protein would be your best low FODMAP option.
- You could also try ordering a cappuccino “very dry” – foam only. If you find small amounts of lactose works for you, a dry cappuccino might work as the amount of milk in the final product is far less than in a latte.
- Note: Many coffee shop serving size options are huge! Opt for the small or tall size to keep your caffeine intake in check.
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