Navigating Halloween Treats for the Low FODMAPer

Happy Halloween! As you know, Halloween is celebrated with a surplus of candy and spooky celebrations. Many of these popular treats don’t sit right with a SIBO diagnosis. Kate, from A Digestive Peace of Mind, has put together some low FODMAP options for everyone to enjoy! Halloween should be less about the trickery and more about the treats. Below are some suggestions to help guide you through October 31st. Please keep in mind, every body is different. If you know treats will wreak digestive havoc, we encourage you to stick to your SIBO diet. If keeping all the candy at bay isn’t an option, these are simple suggestions to help you pick the less evil options.

A few tips:

  1. Always check the nutrition labels: Look for green lighted (ie low FODMAP ingredients) such as corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose, soy lecithin, and confectioner’s glaze. Beware of high FODMAP ingredients such as: lactose, high fructose corn syrup, fructose, sorbitol, apple juice concentrate, and glycerin.
  2. Enjoy low FODMAP treats in moderation! No one feels great after a candy overload… so limit yourself to a few pieces of fun-size candy or treats at a time.
  3. If you plan on going to a Halloween party, get creative!  Find Halloween-themed recipes that are suitable on a low FODMAP diet.

Types of candy that might work for you and your sensitive tummy. Everyone is different, so enjoy to your personal tolerance.

  1. Dum Dums
  2. Haribo Gold Bears
  3. Jolly Ranchers
  4. Junior Mints
  5. Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
  6. Marshmallows (made without high fructose corn syrup)
  7. Mounds
  8. Nerds
  9. Peeps (pumpkin, ghosts, you name it)
  10. Swedish Fish
  11. Sweet Tarts
  12. Sour Patch Kids
  13. Smarties

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