Your gut is an incredible machine. It uses its muscular design to sweep food through the machinery of digestion, absorption and excretion. However, you probably didn’t realize that the machine has a self-cleaning cycle called the migrating motor complex (MMC). These rhythmic waves of contraction are designed to sweep away any digestive leftovers, and they are also thought to help control the growth of bacteria in the small intestine.

In order to optimize the migrating motor complex (MMC), you need to adequately space your meal times because these waves occur post absorption. While it varies between individuals, the migrating motor complex will occur typically 90 minutes post digestion and absorption. This is big news for a nation of constant snackers. If you are eating every 1-2 hours, you are less likely to access that self-cleaning cycle. A smarter approach? Do your best to space your eating opportunities four hours apart and try not to eat before bedtime.

Referenced from: Bio-K Community